Sunday, August 14, 2011

Reap What You Sow

Today at church Jared and I sat through two very good talks about reaping what you sow.  From what I get out of it, reaping what you sow means that you get what you put into it.  A.K.A. If you water and feed a plant/relationship/your brain then it will grow into a beautiful thing.  If you ignore it or water it with acid (good analogy, huh? lol...) then it will die literally and figuratively. 
One thing that really got me thinking was when the Brother that was speaking applied this saying to marriage.  If you feed it with love, service and gratitude it will grow and most likely be reciprocated.  If we are selfish, hold grudges and argue a lot, well, you do the math. 
I think Jared and I are pretty good at this, but noone is perfect.  I have things to work on just like everyone else.  I'm making it a goal this week to "nourish" our relationship!  Service, love and gratitude can't be too hard.  He likes brownies, I love him and sometimes he buys me treats and I'm grateful :)  Just kidding... but you get the gist. 
Yesterday while I was eating Cheesecake factory with my mamma and Trinity (YUM!), my wonderful hubby was out serving.  He helped our friends Corbin and Emily move into their apartment, and then after about 6 hours of helping them volunteered to help one of their brothers move too!  Now that may sound easy if you haven't moved in the past year or so, but I remember moving into our apartment, what a crazy experience!  Lots of heavy lifting and hard work haha.  Around 8 that night he finally came home... and guess what?  There was NO complaint from him.  He just talked about how he was happy to serve and what was for dinner.  He was full of funny stories to tell me too.  He is awesome.  I learn more and more from him every day.  After everyone was all showered and fed, Jared and I went up to the cabin with Corbin and Emily and watched part of Shark tales... so glad our friends are back!
Tuesday is the ultrasound!  I'm getting more and more excited every day!  I don't know how I'm going to wait 2 more whole days!

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