Friday, November 23, 2012


Although I'm not quite sure how to write all of my words down, I do know they need to be written. 
Today a little neighbor boy came to my family in tears.  The look on his face showed that his world had been ripped apart. This sweet, innocent little ten year old had just found his mother in her bed who had passed away in her sleep.
I learned a few things through this horrible event. First, be kind to everyone.  This little boy came to my mom for comfort because of how she made him feel. She has a way of making you feel like you are the most important person in the world and every word that you say is like gold.
Don't ever take life for granted.  Listen to others.  Comfort others. 
I'm so thankful for my Mom.  She's amazing.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My dear Baby Jax

It's almost time to go to the hospital and I think I got maybe an hour of sleep.  All I could think about was the fact that I can hold you finally today.
Your dad gave me a beautiful blessing last night. Among many things I was told that you are my little blessing sent straight from Heavenly Father.  You we chosen as mine to take care of, love and cherish. I promise you I will always do just that.
We're scheduled for a 9am c section and it's 6:15 now so I better get out of bed and finish getting ready!
I love you so much. Time to start our adventure!