Sunday, August 7, 2011

Distance makes the heart grow fonder

All growing up I knew I wanted to find a man who is just like my dad.  A lot of girls say that, but seriously, my dad is my hero.  He is a good man all around.  I've always looked up to him.  He's a worthy priesthood holder, an amazing father, a hard worker in all that he does and genuinely a good person.  If you needed it, he would give you the shirt off his back.  Dad is all those things and much more, but I think most importantly he has a special, strong love for my mom. 
Although my dad is overseas with the military, he makes a special effort to continutally make their bond grow stronger.  Every day at 6:30 he wakes up and gets ready while Skyping with my family.  I know he tells mom how much he loves her every time.  He goes to work, grabs something to eat then comes right back to his little storage container "house" to Skype with her again until he goes to sleep.
Family Chat

This Monday was my mom's birthday and dad sent her flowers over the weekend just so she would know he was thinking of her.  It's nice to have something physical there that represents dad.  Mom has those flowers right on the kitchen table, probably so a part of him is always there.  Whether it's flowers or a spiritual email he sends, he makes sure he's there with her in spirit always. 
Yeah, it's way hard having him gone.  I'm holding back tears while I type this because I miss him so incredibly much!  I never realized how much I needed him.  I always reach for my phone to call him when I'm having a bad day or just want to talk.  I miss him tons, but I know my mom misses him more.  Somehow she still stays strong for us all. 
Dad is my hero.  He loves my mom with everything he has.  He'd lay down his life for her, no doubt about that.  Although he is doing his duty to his country, he will never stop doing his duty to his family.

^^ Mom and Dad humoring me and doing a cute picture ^^

Meeting in the middle (Germany) for a weekend.  I've never seen them so happy :)

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