Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Guess what?!

Guess who isn't the baby of the family anymore? 
This guy! 
One year ago yesterday we found out we were pregnant with our sweet baby boy and yesterday afternoon... Ta-Da!  We are expecting a baby brother or sister for him :)
We're so excited.  I've got to say I was pretty nervous to have another baby, but to be honest now I'm so happy.  It's going to be hard, yeah.  Some people don't envy me.  But you know what?  This is so right!  I know it is because I just feel like this new baby has always been with us. 
Jared had a feeling I was pregnant because I kept complaining about how I was feeling sick and could smell things from across the room (hehe...).  While at the grocery store a test was buy one get one (hello 13 dollars!) and I bought one.  Right when I got home I went and took it and gave it right to Jared.  He said "Oh my gosh, babe you're pregnant" with a huge smile on his face.  I thought he was joking because he wouldn't let me see the test and he usually tries to prank me... but this would be a mean prank!  I finally saw the test and he was telling the truth! 
I still can't believe it... we're blessed with two babies in one year?  How amazing is that? 
I have a feeling it's a girl, but I could definitely be wrong! 

On a  side note... and kind of a rant :) 
I'm so tired of seeing people posting on Facebook about Medicaid and Food Stamps.  SOME of us need the help.  I've paid taxes since I was 16 and my hubby has paid them since around that time as well.  That means collectively we've been paying for 18 years, not to mention all my parents and grandparents have paid.  Don't bash on me or people like me because we need the help.  Everyone needs help sometimes.  Would you rather me get the help or starve?  Would you rather I receive medical assistance or my child and I both die?  Obviously you think you have a say in my life so you tell me. 
Don't judge others because they need help. 
Walk a mile in their shoes so you know what it feels like. 

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