Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Myth-buster #1

Wedding ring over belly
If you tie your wedding ring onto a strand of hair/string it will move either back and forth or in circles.  Circles-boy, back and forth-girl
I tied it to a piece of my hair (so noone could say I didn't do it 100%... ouch by the way...) and it went back and forth!  Girl

The story goes... if your baby is a girl, the heartbeat will be over 140, under 140 is a boy.
Last appointment the heartbeat was 150.  Girl

Here's my baby bump... oh wait it's not there yet!  Dang it lol.


  1. Britton, I have been trying to comment for days and your blog won't let me!!!

    I think you are having a boy...just my guess! With my pregnancy, the heart rate was high at first and then low at the next appt. He/She is keeping us guessing until the end! Allie's heartrate was high and Cam's was low.

  2. YAY it worked...finally!! I can't wait to hear what you are having. I will definitely give you some clothes if we have opposite genders!!!

  3. Lol Becca! Thank you for your comments lol. I don't know what was up with my blog last week, but Emily couldn't comment either. I hope it doesn't happen again!
    Boy huh? Lots of people are thinking that now! We'll see :) Hmm... I think YOU are having a boy. It just makes sense. Boy, girl, boy :)
