Saturday, November 3, 2012

My dear Baby Jax

It's almost time to go to the hospital and I think I got maybe an hour of sleep.  All I could think about was the fact that I can hold you finally today.
Your dad gave me a beautiful blessing last night. Among many things I was told that you are my little blessing sent straight from Heavenly Father.  You we chosen as mine to take care of, love and cherish. I promise you I will always do just that.
We're scheduled for a 9am c section and it's 6:15 now so I better get out of bed and finish getting ready!
I love you so much. Time to start our adventure!


  1. Yay! I'm reading this at 10 am so that means you probably are already in recovery? Maybe holding a sweet little baby boy? I'm so happy for you! Hoping that all goes well with recovery and adjusting to a family of two now.
