Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Boy or Girl?

A couple of friends came over the other day and got on me for not blogging!  I really didn't think anyone read the blog so I probably need to make things a little more interesting... so here's what we're going to do.
There are SO many wives tales on how you can predict the sex of your baby.  In reality they are all 50% correct, but so much more fun than just waiting!  I have 4 weeks to wait for the ultrasound (that is if my call tomorrow doesn't convince them to move up the appointment... just saying) so I will do some of these each week till I have done them all!  Then we will tally them up and see if they are right or wrong, which ones worked and didn't.

I looked all over online for these tricks, if you have any more than let me know! 

The Wedding Ring Over The Belly

Get your wedding ring (or other ring/needle/pin) and attach it with a strand of your hair or some string. Lie down and dangle the ring over your belly. If it starts moving in circles, you are having a boy, or if it moves like a pendulum from side to side, then you are having a girl.

North or South?

Look at your pillow and see which way it faces... if it’s north, then expect a boy, south means a girl is on the way.

Pimples, Schmiples…

If you get acne during pregnancy, apparently you’re having a girl, and if you don’t, then you’re carrying a boy.

Hairy Legs?

Has the hair on your legs grown faster than normal? Or has it grown just like normal? Because if it’s growing faster than it did pre-pregnancy, then you’re said to be having a boy.

What’s Baby’s Heartrate?

If you’re carrying a girl, then baby’s heartrate will be above 140bpm (beats per minute). A boy is said to have a heart rate under 140bpm.

Take a Guess!

After all, you have 50% chance of getting it right! It may be even more than that – an article said a study was done on mother’s guessing the gender. The women (who didn’t yet know their baby’s sex), guessed the correct sex of their baby 71% of the time. Not bad!!!

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