Saturday, May 26, 2012

Dear Baby

Every night before I sleep I think of you. Life is crazy right now and hard to keep up with at times, so I feel like our time together is before bed. You're such a miracle and I'm so lucky to be your mommy. Here in a couple of weeks we'll find out if you're a boy or girl. I hope life for you is as wonderful as can be. Although I hope you're completely healthy no matter what, you are perfect to me. I promise I'll be the best mom I can be. I'll probably get mad when you and Beckham pull all if the toilet paper off tge roll or pour flour all over each other, but I promise to try and laugh and take as many pictures of it as possible. You're the world to us and we love you more than you know.
Love, Mom

1 comment:

  1. I thought of this post the other day! Emmalee decided she wanted to EAT my mascara and draw all over her face with it, too. I thought of this post and laughed instead becoming angry. :)
