Friday, April 19, 2013

For my boys: 20 random facts about me

  1. I love running... even though I stink at it.
  2. I change my socks at least twice a day. Clean socks are the best feeling.
  3. I'm in love with Diet Coke.
  4. When my boys go to bed, Jared and I usually go peek in on them before we go to bed. 
  5. I crave walnuts.
  6. Watching Pride and Prejudice while crocheting fixes EVERYTHING.
  7. If I mess up a word when I'm writing in pen, I have to start over if it's only a paragraph or two.
  8. I love doing Math.  As frustrating as it is, there is something about solving a math problem that I really like.
  9. Cooking relaxes me. 
  10. I really did like being the "new girl" in school everytime we moved.
  11. I secretely always wanted to break my arm so I could have a cast.
  12. I always wanted to have braces... until I got them.
  13. When I'm nervous, I bounce.  Even when I am having a conversation.
  14. I really want to get my Masters Degree.  I don't know what in, but someday I want one!
  15. Skydiving is on my bucket list.  Along with visit England, eat caviar and running  a marathon.
  16. I think when my boys get married, I might obsess over their wedding.  I already think about it sometimes.  I'll be THAT Mother-In-Law.
  17. I could eat sushi for every meal.
  18. I think my parents really were right when I was a teenager.  Even though I said that I would never say that.
  19. When I was 7 my mom told me I couldn't ride my bike in the road.  I vowed at that moment that when I had kids, they could ride their bike in the road.  I take it back. 
  20. I think wishing on shooting stars really does work.

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