It's been a long time since I've blogged, but not a whole lot has gone on. We've been focusing a lot on eachother and Beckham before Jax gets here and it gets a little chaotic :)
I'm excited to be a mom of two boys. I've had a lot of anxiety up until this past week. I think that no matter what, I'll get through it and when it comes right down to it I am the luckiest girl in the world. I've got a wonderful husband who loves me (yes, we still have movie nights and cuddle!) and two little guys who are all mine!
Beckham has started pulling himself up lately and walking along the couch a little. I can't believe he is almost one... it's crazy how fast time goes. I remember my parents telling me that when I had kids someday time would fly by. I think I just rolled my eyes at them but how true it is.
Jax is so ready to come out. He kicks me all the time trying to get out, I have constant contractions and my back is killing me! If he's not ready, he better get ready quick cause I am ready!
It's funny, I've never had cravings but I cannot get enough walnuts. YES walnuts! I eat probably a little package a day (ok... not so little, but not one of the huge ones).
I'm excited to see my family! Mom and Trinity are getting here on the fifth and the boys on the tenth. The ninth is Jared's birthday (yay!) and the fourteenth is Beckham's first birthday and my baby brother heads to the MTC for his mission! I'm so proud of him!
Again, how blessed am I? I am THE luckiest.
I'm excited for you. SO CLOSE! I agree about the time flying by with kids. Where does it go? Maybe its because they are just too much fun ;) Also, that is interesting about the walnuts! Usually when we crave something like that it is because our body needs something from it. Walnuts have iodine in them which is good for thyroid and hormonal imbalances... :) But maybe they just sound good for no reason. Fun though! Good luck with everything!!