Tonight I hold my sweet Brayson thinking back on my year. So much has happened, is a little overwhelming and very emotional. We are so blessed to have our little boys. They are absolute Angels sent from heaven to me and my sweet husband. Three years ago I would never have imagined life would be this amazing. I'm so in love with the man of my dreams. I hold my babies and get kisses and giggles daily. This year my goals are different from what they have been in the past. First, I want to be a good wife to my husband. He deserves the best in this world and I know I can give it to him. I want to over use I love you. I don't ever want a day to go by where he doesn't know how special he is to me. I want to be super mom. I want to figure out fun things to do with Beckham and Brayson. I want to learn how to go out of the house without stressing about little things. I want to sing or read to them every night before bed. I want to be healthier so I can do all of these things for my family. I can't wait to see what this year has in store for me and my family.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
Today a little neighbor boy came to my family in tears. The look on his face showed that his world had been ripped apart. This sweet, innocent little ten year old had just found his mother in her bed who had passed away in her sleep.
I learned a few things through this horrible event. First, be kind to everyone. This little boy came to my mom for comfort because of how she made him feel. She has a way of making you feel like you are the most important person in the world and every word that you say is like gold.
Don't ever take life for granted. Listen to others. Comfort others.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
My dear Baby Jax
It's almost time to go to the hospital and I think I got maybe an hour of sleep. All I could think about was the fact that I can hold you finally today.
Your dad gave me a beautiful blessing last night. Among many things I was told that you are my little blessing sent straight from Heavenly Father. You we chosen as mine to take care of, love and cherish. I promise you I will always do just that.
We're scheduled for a 9am c section and it's 6:15 now so I better get out of bed and finish getting ready!
I love you so much. Time to start our adventure!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Please tell me... Who doesn't love baby bums?
He runs away when I change his diaper so I'm keeping this for black mail someday! Love you Beckham :)
We got new phones yesterday (spontaneously) and I love mine! The Galaxy Note 2 came out a few days ago and we're one of the first owners. I have to say I love this phone! I feel a little funny talking on it because I'm holding a huge tablet to my ear but don't judge!
6 more days until baby Jax is here. I have to say now I'm coming to the end of what could be my last pregnancy I'm a little sad. I don't really remember not having a baby moving around inside me, I've been expecting for almost a tenth of my life for heavens sake. I love the feeling when the baby moves. A swift kick to my ribs or bladder is even funny after the pain fades... lol. I'll miss not having to ever suck in my tummy at the pool. It is a neat feeling having my baby be a part of me rather than an extension of me. I am not ready for this to end, but on the other hand I am sooo ready to be able to hold my son.
I'm excited to see how Beckham handles having a baby brother. Of course he doesn't understand but I'm sure he will love him nonetheless.
As always, we're loving or life here with our little family!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
9 Days Left
I'm excited to be a mom of two boys. I've had a lot of anxiety up until this past week. I think that no matter what, I'll get through it and when it comes right down to it I am the luckiest girl in the world. I've got a wonderful husband who loves me (yes, we still have movie nights and cuddle!) and two little guys who are all mine!
Beckham has started pulling himself up lately and walking along the couch a little. I can't believe he is almost one... it's crazy how fast time goes. I remember my parents telling me that when I had kids someday time would fly by. I think I just rolled my eyes at them but how true it is.
Jax is so ready to come out. He kicks me all the time trying to get out, I have constant contractions and my back is killing me! If he's not ready, he better get ready quick cause I am ready!
It's funny, I've never had cravings but I cannot get enough walnuts. YES walnuts! I eat probably a little package a day (ok... not so little, but not one of the huge ones).
I'm excited to see my family! Mom and Trinity are getting here on the fifth and the boys on the tenth. The ninth is Jared's birthday (yay!) and the fourteenth is Beckham's first birthday and my baby brother heads to the MTC for his mission! I'm so proud of him!
Again, how blessed am I? I am THE luckiest.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Love my hubby!
Day 1 was supposed ask him if there was anything I could help him with that day. ShaZAM I did it and he said he didn't have anything for me to do... so I cleaned the house while he was on a bike ride. He noticed :)
Day 2 (today) is to go a whole day without correcting him. I think I'm a little hard to be married to sometimes becuase I don't even realize it when i correct him until after I've done it, and most of the time it's little things that don't matter! How annoying is that? He doesn't say anything to me, but I find that I'm kicking myself for it every time. Today I will NOT correct my husband and I'll continue to do my best to not do that.
P.S. if you talk to Jared and you're reading this PLEASE do not tell him about my little challenge, that would completely defeat the purpose.
Beckham and Jared went out this afternoon so that I could do some homework. The alone time was nice but the best part was seeing them all happy when they got home. They love their daddy/son time!
Brayson has been keeping me up at night with his constant kicking, hiccuping and moving (don't worry buddy, you'll be out of that little space soon!). It's fun being pregnant, but sometimes it stinks. Like when your feet and hands get swollen, streach marks, when you're sweating and everyone else is comfortable and just being the size of a whale in general kind of stinks. I can't wait to have my little Brayson, not have a belly and be able to buy normal clothes! I have gained a serious amount of poundage over the last two babies and I think I'll be a far cry from ever being 125 again (my pre-Beckham weight) but I think I'll be able to bounce back to a happy weight in a few
It looks like our C-Section date is Monday, November 5, but we're going to try and get it moved to November 3 because Jared has school on Tuesday and I know he will not want to leave our little family for the first few days... he's definitely attached to our little boys. How lucky they are to have such a great daddy!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
RSV... again.
Saying prayers for my little boy.
Maryland Trip
When we first got there Beckham was excited (and a little confused) to see his family! He loved his grandma's braces and snuggled with his grandpa for a good five minutes... if you know this kid you know this is SO out of the ordinary and it was SO cute!
We loved just hanging out at the house and spent much time dancing, watching Rio, swinging in the hammock, playing on the floor with his aunt and uncles and napping *swoon*. I was able to take a nap pretty much whenever I wanted and that was pure joy!
On September 10, Beckham said his first word! He's babbled "dada" for months now but he actually waved and said "HI!" It was so cute :)
On September 11, we went to the Pentagon to visit Dad. It was so neat going inside. My favorite part was being in the part of the building where the plane hit. Right at the impact point there is a room dedicated to those whose lives were lost.
We were definitely sad to go, but we'll see them in November. There will be so many exciting things happening around that time!! Our baby will be born, Jared will turn 29, Beckham will turn 1 (!!!!) and my little brother will be off on his mission to Chile!
Friday, August 10, 2012
Bad Blogger Award goes to...
Being a mommy, wife and all around awesome (haha just kidding) is tougher than I thought. Honestly, a year ago I thought I was going to be super mom with a super awesome blog, cook an amazing meal every night and be able to do my hair every day. Fail!
But on the other hand, I was probably thinking I'd only have one baby (no bump), a hubby that was working all of the time and long hair. Look how blessed I am! I have TWO babies (hi Beckham and Brayden! I love you!), a husband that is home all the time and a super easy hair-do :)
We've got a little less than three months til Jax Brayden will be here! We're still thinking about Jax, not in love with it... who knows? Maybe we'll look at him and think he looks like a Jax :)
Beckham has just started army crawling this week, it's so cute! And slightly annoying. It's so much harder getting things out of his reach and he gets frustrated pretty easily. Lisa said she had a hard time with Emmalee at this age so maybe it's normal.
I smell a diaper... dooty calls! More later :)
Friday, July 20, 2012
When I woke up I got the news of a tragedy that took place in Colorado at a movie theatre. Many people were killed and injured and I've been in tears watching the news all day. I'm so thankful for my family and that we're all safe. My baby boys, husband and our extended family... I can't imagine life without a single person.
We just moved into our new apartment this past Saturday. It's exciting seeing our lives change. Jared is about to graduate and get a job, we're in a new (bigger and better) apartment, we've got a baby boy who we love so much and one on the way! Two years ago I moved here and that's the best decision I've ever made. I'm grateful for where life has brought me.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Baby boy or girl?
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Dear Baby
Every night before I sleep I think of you. Life is crazy right now and hard to keep up with at times, so I feel like our time together is before bed. You're such a miracle and I'm so lucky to be your mommy. Here in a couple of weeks we'll find out if you're a boy or girl. I hope life for you is as wonderful as can be. Although I hope you're completely healthy no matter what, you are perfect to me. I promise I'll be the best mom I can be. I'll probably get mad when you and Beckham pull all if the toilet paper off tge roll or pour flour all over each other, but I promise to try and laugh and take as many pictures of it as possible. You're the world to us and we love you more than you know.
Love, Mom
Thursday, May 24, 2012
It's the Little Things
I decided to list the little things in life I'm loving right now.
When Beckham smiles really big you can see his two bottom baby teeth.
Family snuggle time- this is when we all get in our bed and play, snuggle and laugh.
Baby kicks.
Jared letting me take naps.
He still makes me laugh every day by the way... :)
Cooking, I found a love for it again finally.
Skype with family.
Plan of Salvation... I've thought about it a lot lately because of recent happenings.
Baby bumps... I've finally embraced my baby bump even though it came 2 weeks before it did with Beckham (and 2 times as big).
Waking up in the morning with Beckham. Sometimes it's hard, but you will never know how sweet it is to walk into that baby's room. As soon as he sees my face or hears my voice he gets the biggest smile and kicks his legs with excitement.
Watching Jared feed Beckham. I love peeking into their relationship. They look at eachother the whole time and Jared whispers how much he loves his baby boy.
There's so much more but I definitely don't want to forget these things in particular.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
My First Official Mother's Day
Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 16, 2012
Slim fast
Baby bean is doing good and morning sickness is gone! Foods I love this time around are slim fast, smoothies, chinese and salads :) healthy huh?
Jared and I went on a date this weekend because Cassie and Taylor offered to watch him! Apparently he was good for them :) we went to Chilies and then to the City Creek Center which, by the way, is amazing!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Testimony meeting
Well last Sunday was testimony meeting and those very words terrify me. When I even think about going up there to give my testimony my throat closes up, and I freak out.
Jared challenged me to go up there and bear my testimony but I just couldn't. I thought about it and I haven't done that in over 5 years... My husband hasn't heard my testimony. How sad is that? My mom used to tell me that angels write our testimonies down when we bear it.
This month, i'm doing it. No more holding back. I'm sitting up front, wearing flat shoes and doing it. I have a testimony and I think it's important that the world hears it... It's not good enough to keep it to myself.
Today is General Conference and I'm watching it with my baby boy. Here he is!
March 5, PREGNANT! |