12 days...
Am I ready? It brings me to tears thinking about how my baby will be here at any time now. I've always heard that when you're in that childbirth room that is the closest you get to heaven while you're on earth. I've played the moment when I will see him for the first time over in my head countless times. Will I cry or laugh?
I can't wait to be a mom. I've had so many great examples in my life I can look to for help and advice. I hope I'll be like my mom eventually. I'm so happy I get the chance to raise a baby. The anticipation is killing me... when will it happen?
Let's be honest about the last month of pregnancy. My feet get swollen to the point where you can't recognize them. My wedding ring doesn't fit... which is really sad because that is the one thing I was hoping to avoid not fitting. My back hurts and there are aches and pains you don't even want to know about! I cry all the time from these emotional ups and downs. It's kind of embarrassing but Jared has been really good about just understanding when I need him to just hold me. I can't sleep much because of aches not to mention those 2-3 potty breaks I have to take and when I can sleep, I snore... yuck! I feel really chubby and haven't been able to see my feet standing up in probably 3 months or so.
Despite all these "woes" it is definitely worth it. Sometimes you just have to vent about how you feel :)
Beckham, I love you and we can't wait to have you here with us FINALLY! I have been waiting for you patiently but I don't now how much longer I can wait! Hopefully you'll come next week. The doctor said you are about 7-1/2 lbs. now so we'll see how big you are when you're born!
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