I got called to Young Womens...
I'm so excited but I don't feel worthy. I feel like they're all family already to me. Almost like another Trinity around. I think about them pretty much all day long and worry about them. What?! Who knew all those leaders loved me as much as I love these girls. I'm so excited I'm on this journey.
The boys are so crazy big. It seems like every time I turn around they learn something new or get bigger. The other day Jared and I were in the kitchen and Brayson walked in and was at HIP LEVEL! What? Where did my little baby go? Although I am sad how fast it goes, I really do find joy in every stage. He is so sassy and he loves his tractors. He runs to anyone in the family and gives them a huge hug. I don't know about anyone else, but that alone makes me feel like a superhero when he does that to me.
He and Beckham follow eachother around like shadows. I love hearing their giggles. When i know they are doing something bad but they are both giggling like crazy over it I just stand outside the door and listen and try to capture the moment. Jared reads them 2 books at night and I sing them both a song. Song time is so special. Sometimes Brayson wants me to lay in bed with him and he puts his chubby little arms around my neck and says "I love you mommy".
Beckham is a hoot too. This kid talks about his primary teachers all week long but right when we get there he screams his little head off. He runs around outside naked and pees everywhere, no matter who is there. The other day he went to the front yard, pulled off his pants and peed in front of the neighbors. I just shrug about it and hope that everyone else shrugs right back at me and says "I remember". He says "yeah baby!" just like the best of them. He is very sensitive towards other kids feelings and never wants them to feel left out. Just the other day at chick-fil-a there was a little boy who was afraid to go up the play place without his mom, but she had a new baby and she couldnt go up. Beckham was that boy's special friend and took his hand and tried to get him up the play place. He followed him to the little kid area even though it was boring and made sure the boy wasn't alone. I was proud of him
I hate getting them in trouble about things. Time out is the worst. I know they think I'm being mean but sometimes I sit outside the door and cry when they are especially mad at me. Most of the time I think I don't deserve them, but I know that we were totally and completely meant for eachother. Every so often we have a "perfect" day where there are no breakdowns or fights and we go to the park or play outside or even stay inside and have a movie day. We are such a great team!